Thursday, June 18, 2015

Encouraging Kids To Read

Getting all students to WANT to read on a daily basis is one of the biggest challenges most teachers face.

Does you school participate in Accelerated Reader or Reading Counts? Most schools do. Both programs are a great tool to track if a child comprehends what they are reading.
My school has been using it for years. Yet, I didn't. Why? The kids weren't interested and it was hard to keep track of their points.

Two years ago, I decided to change the way I use Reading Counts. I wanted to motivate and inspire the kids to read.

I created a clip chart that tracked the students' points. Their names were on a clothes pin. The clothes pin was clipped to the paper that showed how many points they have earned.

Were there prizes involved for each new level earned? No. Just a certificate. But we DID celebrate when each child was able to move their clip down to a new level. The child would simply tell me and show me their points. I would stop whatever I was doing and announced it to the class. They would cheer as the student moved their clip to the next level. Knowing that the other students were encouraging them to read more, made them read more! You can grab this pack {here}

All the years that my school was participating in Reading Counts, there were never any recognition or prizes. That changed this year and it didn't cost one dime to do!
We offered top readers and those who increased their points by a certain amount with a chance to eat lunch with the principal on the stage in the cafeteria in front of all their peers. The kids went nuts over this. It was such a fabulous idea. I would definitely try it at your school.

Last, but not least, the school would make special announcements of top readers. This really encouraged everyone to read read and read. They wanted their name to be heard by the whole school.

So this upcoming school year, try one of these (or all) suggestions and get those kids wanting to read!

Want to share what your school does? Leave comments below.

Thanks for stopping by.

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1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of lunch with the principal - where the other kids can see! We do A.R. At my school and I announce every milestone in the classroom in a big way to keep us all motivated.

