Saturday, June 6, 2015

Keeping Student Work Organized!

Is it summer yet?! You are either thinking YES or ALMOST!!!! Woohooo! Either way, I wanted to bring you some tips on how I keep all of my student's work organized...maybe get your wheels turning for next year. After all, we  ARE teachers! ;) We never stop!

I am going to show you how I organize turned in homework, assignments to be graded, and in progress student work! I explain and model everything at the beginning of the year and hold my students accountable for keeping their work organized!

I keep a basket near the front of the room for when my students walk in each day. They unpack and then head to the homework basket to turn in their homework. On the top is a sign that reminds them to only turn their homework if it: has their name on it, is neat, and is completed. They then place their work under the sign (so others can see it!) and move their clip with their name on it to the other side. This makes it easy for me, or my student helpers. to go see who has turned in their homework that day. Then, I simply turn the basket for the next day so that the clips are all on the correct side again! It is so easy and keeps their homework off of my desk! ;) 
You can grab my WAIT! homework sign for {free} here!

Work in Progress and Turned in Assignments: 
I love this method of keeping up with both my student work they have not finished (station work, grades, fun stuff) and their completed work! I keep a crate on a table in my room with a stapler. I have a folder for each student in number order. In those folders they are responsible for putting away any unfinished work. For example, if they are working on an activity or grade in stations and it is due on Friday, they keep it in there during the week until they are ready to turn it in. We do a lot of work in our journals, but this is for grades mainly! 
When they are ready to turn it in, I have folders in the BACK of the same crate for each subject. They put the assignment *neatly* in the correct folder. This makes is SO easy for me to go grab ALL of the math papers, or ALL of the science grades at once! 
After a few days of modeling, they really get super used to this way of managing work! Do you do something similar? How do YOU organize turned in assignments?! Can't wait to hear!! 
Image Map


  1. This is such an awesome idea! Can't wait to try it!

  2. Where can I find the Work in Progress label?

  3. As a teacher you can use various units throughout the school year. Organizing material is big time saver. Implementation of above mentioned tips can be helpful to save precious time of student.
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  4. This is a wonderful idea. I will keep this in mind for my classroom!

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