Sunday, August 9, 2015

Meet the {Teacher}! Tips & Ideas!

Meet the Teacher is such an exciting event! Not only for the students coming in but for us as teachers!! My school has it every year the Friday morning before school starts.. it is the last piece of getting everything ready for the near year! I wanted to share a few things I do each year that might help you!

First, I always have light, soft music playing in my classroom. I do this most of the time during the year anyways-so why not do it for my parents and brand new students on their first time to our new home for the year?! 

When the parents walk in I have a welcome sign with a sign-up form on a clipboard. This let's them put their name on a list for any type of volunteering they might want to do throughout the year. Click on the picture to grab the sign for FREE!:)

I also place business cards for them to grab with my email and phone number right there when they walk in as well. 

I have already put student name tags on desks so my students love to find where they will be sitting! On their desks I have forms I need the parents to fill out. I also place our classroom Twitter and Instagram forms there-I like to print these on bright paper so they are not easily missed ;) Click here to read how I use social media in my classroom & get these forms for FREE! 

I love having a small gift for my students on their desks as well! I think this gets them even more excited for the upcoming year! The rock candy is always a hit! You can get these cute candy tags for free here!

At our Meet the Teacher we start to collect student supplies. Most of their supplies they keep in their desks, but some we collect for like kleenex, hand sanitizer, pencils, etc. What really works for my classroom is placing baskets at the front of the room with signs above them for each item. This way they know exactly where to put everything. I have a slide up on the screen for them to know where to put what!

Lastly, my absolute {favorite} thing to have out for my parents and students is my All About Your Teacher book. I made this book for them to learn more about me! I always see the parents and students smiling and laughing to the content. I think this helps them relate to me-even though they still barely know me! It shows I am a real person excited to share my heart with them and their little babies! After Meet the Teacher I put it in my classroom library. It is a hit all year long! You can grab this here and make it your own! 

What do you do at your Meet the Teacher/BTS Open House? I would love some more fun ideas!


  1. These ideas are great! Something I've done in the past that I liked for Open House was have the students take their parents on a scavenger hunt. During the scavenger hunt I had a Powerpoint with all the essential info scrolling that they could stop and view at any time. This way they got all the info they needed and I didn't have to stand in front of them and talk for 20!

  2. I love the idea of teacher business cards! Thanks for sharing!

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  3. Where do you purchase your rock candy from?
