Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Staying Organized with Parent Volunteers

I'm back this month to bring you some easy back to school tips!
My back to school tip for you today is how to keep your copies organized for your parent volunteers. I am SO lucky to have fabulous parents in my classroom to help out with any copying, cutting, laminating that my heart desires. They make my job easy-peasy. But want to know what makes it even easier? These bad boys right here!
Sailing into Second
I got this idea from my sweet friend Hadar at Miss Kindergarten last year. They are such an easy little organizational tool to use with my parent volunteers! I just pin these onto my master copy and done! All the directions needed are right on the pin. No post-its or pieces of paper with directions are necessary. And the best part is that they are reusable and last ALL YEAR LONG! Genius, I tell you!

If you'd like to download a set of these awesome labels and read all about them, click {here} to visit Hadar's blog post.

How do you stay organized with parent helpers? I'd love to hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. to keep an eye on your child while you are at work and your kid at school, you can use this apps to catch a cheater list.
    Their main option is to monitor internet activity so you can read sms, viber, whatsapp etc.
