Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday Funnies

Happy FRIDAY, friends!

I'm happy to say that we've made it! Some how we've managed to survive another work week...  

Congrats to those of you that have finally completed ALL of your testing. And for those of you, still assessing... hang in there... the end IS NEAR!

We all work our tails off during the week, so we've decided to give ourselves a little break on Fridays. Starting today, on every Friday you can expect to find something funny. It might be a funny cartoon, picture, or maybe even something funny that happened in one of our classrooms. Whatever the case might be, we hope it brightens your day and perhaps even makes you laugh!

Todays cartoon was selected for this time of year... you know the time of year when our students begin to taste Summer vacation quickly approaching and start suffering from amnesia, the kind in which they ALL seem to forget our classroom rules. The very same rules we've had ALL YEAR LONG!


  1. Hilarious and so true! Even though I have a dream class this year, they are starting to change on me! Testing is next week, so I'm hoping that once that is done, we can all relax a little! :)

    1. Inspired Owl you are BLESSED to have a dream class, my friend, but even the BEST of the BEST start to morph a little around this time of year... LOL

  2. By this time of year it sounds like a perfect center idea to me. Spring has sprung in my room. Thanks for the laugh. Much needed .

    1. You are welcome... we can ALL use a little laughter in our lives! I wonder what kind of activities we would have in these centers... hmmmmm!

  3. Ohhh, this is perfect. It pretty much describes how my day went yesterday!

    Sniffin' Around in Education
