Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Funnies

Congratulations! You made it to Friday! Relax and laugh!

Before I can go home on Friday, I have to attend a staff meeting. I love my coworkers. I really do. But....these meetings....they are painful! They are long! More often than not, they are unnecessary. So of course, I laughed out loud when I first saw this picture.

Who else has a Friday meeting? I feel your pain! We are in this together.


  1. LOL. This totally made my crack up! I am so excited about this new blog to follow! I've always felt that there weren't too many blogs out there geared towards third grade. Looking forward to more to come :)
    Teaching in Paradise

  2. Courtney, I know what you mean about not many blogs geared towards 3rd grade. That's EXACTLY the way we all felt! 3rd grade is such a difficult year to teach for soooo many reasons. We felt that having a hub where we could get together to share and discuss the issues relevant to our grade would benefit us all. So thank you for validating that!
    Glad you liked the Friday Funny! It took me a second to get it, but then I couldn't stop laughing.
    :0) Melissa
