Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10 Upper Elementary Pinners to Follow

I don't know what teachers did before Pinterest! If I am being real honest, Pinterest was my primary source of professional development  during my first year of teaching! Pinterest is very visual, full of ideas, and incredibly addicting! Save yourself some time on Pinterest by following pinners that are pinning valuable ideas (not just products), pin often and pin about the grade level that you teach. Here are 10 pinners that you need to follow if you teach grades 3-6.

(Click on their logo to be directed  directly to their Pinterest page.)

Sorry about the shameless plug for my own Pinterest boards, but I really am proud of the thousands of hours that I have spent collecting the greatest ideas and blog posts! My boards just got a big facelift.

My favorite boards: iTeach Third and Classroom Tips & Ideas.

If you are not following Rachel Lynette yet, you need to follow her NOW! I'll wait.... WOW, right?!

My favorite boards: A+ Teaching Tips and Minds in Boom Guest Posts.

Kristin is a prolific pinner. If there is a great idea out there- you can find it on Kristin's boards! She clearly spends lots of time looking for great ideas to share and I appreciate that.

My favorite boards: Classroom Management & Organization and 3rd Grade Math.

Jenn must spend all day on Pinterest! Her boards are jam packed with ideas!

I just love how neat and organized all of Melissa's boards are! She has some unique boards too.

My favorite boards: Teaching Critical Thinking and Problem Solving and Technology & Digital Citizenship.

Ashleigh teaches 3rd grade and so her pins are always so relevant to my classroom

My favorite boards: Classroom Management & Organization and Teacher Fashion on a Teacher Salary.

Mary has a HUGE collection of pins for every topic! I like that the focus is on upper elementary and I don't have to dig through Kindergarten posts.

My favorite boards: Classroom Tips & Tricks and Classroom Organization Ideas.

Kelly has a few amazing collaborative boards. That means that she has lots of awesome teachers pinning on her boards. It leads to some fantastic ideas!

My favorite boards: Teaching Upper Elementary and Creative Classroom Pics.

Jodi from Clutter-Free Classroom has over 150 Pinterest boards! I love how she organizes her boards so that the current holiday or season is right at the top. It makes it easy to find the ideas that I need for right now.

My favorite boards: Classroom Organization and Classroom Management.

Blair Turner has sensational boards for the upper elementary teacher. I love all of the blog posts that she pins!

My favorite boards: One Community at a Time and One Anchor Chart at a Time.

Looking for even more AMAZING pinners to follow? Don't forget to follow the boards of the 10 collaborators of this blog. They are all such talented third grade teachers who share amazing ideas with others! Click HERE for links to their Pinterest boards, blogs and other social media.

Do you teach upper elementary and have a Pinterest board? Leave a link in the comments so that we can all follow you!

Image Map


  1. Jamie,

    Thanks so much for including me in this list! I'm honored. :)

  2. Jamie,

    Thanks so much for including me in this list! I'm honored. :)

  3. Thanks for the shout out Jamie! I'm so flattered. :) Jodi

  4. Thank you so much, Jamie, for including my Pinterest boards on list list!
